What if I told you that your body truly loves you in spite of how you may treat it, or how you feel it treats you? What would you think if I told you that those little aches and pains are actually messages that your body is attempting to communicate with you?
Many of us live our lives believing that our bodies are letting us down, limiting us, abandoning us, and rejecting us, when truly all our bodies are attempting to do is partner alongside us so that we can live our purpose with vitality and tranquility.
Rather than running to the medicine cabinet or the drugstore to pop a pill and band-aid the symptom, we could simply slow down and listen. In this masterclass, I will teach you how to sit in stillness, close your eyes, and quietly have a conversation with your own human vessel so that you are able to make the necessary corrections in order to heal yourself before a small discomfort becomes more chronic or even terminal.
Together we will uncover the messages being revealed from the different body systems and I will show you how to interpret your body’s messages and translate the specific way your Higher Self is speaking to you.